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Moody Monday

The title seems to hint at doom and gloom, huh? Well, it’s not. I mean, unless you consider that I was all geared up to have a kick-ass start to my week, only for the power to go out shortly after I sat down in my writing cave to start writing. It’s been out for […]

Monday Ramblings

Nicole's Ramblings

Happy Monday, y’all! It’s one of those days. The kind where I can’t keep my focus. Every time I start something, I get sidetracked by … well, by pretty much everything. The candle sitting on my desk, the blinds not being open in my craft room, the laundry, the dogs, lunch, ordering a nail file […]

Just an update…

I’ve been meaning to post an update for a while now, but things have been … well, let’s just say I’ve been a bit chaotic and not in a good way.  Let me start by saying that my son is doing well, and he’s going to be back to new in no time. With that […]

10 years, y’all

10 years. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years today since I published my very first book: Conviction. Just this week, I published #77: Forevermore, bringing me back full circle to Sam and Logan. What makes it even sweeter, the readers are the ones who voted for more of them. Really, they did. I never […]

Happy Anniversary, Steven

Can you believe it? This man has put up with me for 20 years. Yep. You read that right. 20. Sometimes I can’t believe how incredibly lucky he got! Oops, I mean me. I got lucky. Okay, fine. We both did. It makes for a great life when I’m married to a wonderful man who […]

My new writing cave…

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a dedicated writing space. I’ve spent the last couple of years utilizing various spots in the house, hoping to find my muses again. Because that didn’t work, I decided I needed something with a bit more … structure. It took me a little time to come up […]

Cursed, I tell you

Okay, I’m probably not really cursed. Likely, it’s just a coincidence or perhaps a never-ending run of bad luck that has led to so many things that I enjoy disappearing as quickly as they seem to come into my life.  I’m not talking one or two things. It seems (at least to me) that whenever […]

Why I hate furniture shopping…

Oh how I detest furniture shopping. I mean, if it’s not enough that I have to take a shower and get dressed, then there’s the driving from one store to the next to find exactly what I’m looking for. And when you get to the store… Yes, there’s a story behind this post.  I’ve recently […]

It takes a village to wear me out…

Okay, wait. That sounds dirty, right? Hahaha. Yeah, it definitely does. Get your mind out of the gutter.  So it’s been a couple of years, maybe 3 since I last put up my Christmas village. I will not lie, I LOVE the idea of the village, but getting it set up is a serious labor […]